Rika’s Radio




episode 1 : A little bit about me 

episode 2 : One of my favorite jokes 

episode 3 : Typhoon is here and I’m tipsy. 

episode 4 : Unconditional love

episode 5 : A heartwarming moment

episode 6 : Answering some questions

episode 7: A week away from teaching 

episode 8: The movie JOKER was phenomenal

episode 9: It’s been a while!

episode 10: Painful moments

episode 11: A couple of things that made me happy.

episode 12: Time to unwind.

episode 13: So I’m not a D.J. anymore.

episode 14: Have you been to Takachiho?

episode 15: A frog in my throat.

episode 16: It’s the New Year’s Eve!

episode 17: Why I stopped making New Year’s Resolutions.

episode 18: Planning a new year’s party.

episode 19: My way of learning English 

episode 20: Me just blabbing on my lunch break

episode 21: I love reading -in Japanese 

episode 22: Love for spicy food

episode 23: Happy Birthday to me! 

episode 24: Answering some questions 

episode 25: Cooking can be fun sometimes 

episode 26: A new adventure

episode 27: I just can’t say No.

episode 28: Hoping to put a smile on your face

episode 29: Ways to stay positive 

episode 30: Some great memories of Couchsurfing

episode 31: The path to become an interpreter 

episode 32: The path to become an interpreter Part 2

episode: 33: Dreams

episode 33: Dreams (英語スクリプト付き)

episode 34: The movie Parasite was outstanding ! 

【episode 34: The movie Parasite was outstanding ! (英語スクリプト付き)】

episode 35 Visiting a shrine in Takachiho with eggs. 

episode 36 Transparent toilets are the place to go! 

episode 37 Not a happy camper.

episode 38 What would you do?

episode 39 ROTFL in class 

episode 40 Talking with my student Yuka

episode 41 Christmas episode with Evan

episode 42 Looking back at 2020

episode 43 Talking with my student Reiko

episode 44:  Talking with Chris #1

episode 45: Talking with Chris #2

episode 46: 1st episode of 2021

episode 47:  Laughter is the best medicine?

episode 48:  A little warmth – hoping to put a smile on your face.

episode 49: Talking with Sayuri 生徒さんと対談

episode 50: Talking with Tamayo 生徒さんと対談

episode 51 My journey to where I am right now.

【episode 51 YouTube文字起こしはこちら】

episode 52 The importance of being happy

【episode 52 YouTube文字起こしはこちら

episode 53 10 This or That Questions 

episode 53 YouTube文字起こしはこちら

episode 54  Talking with Naoya 生徒さんと対談

episode 55 Talking with Tetsuya 生徒さんと対談

episode 56 Mixed feelings さまざまな反応とさまざまな気持ち

【episode56 YouTube 文字起こしはこちら

episode 57 Thinking about those dots. 点と点について

【episode57 YouTube 文字起こしはこちら

episode 58 Another tipsy version ほろ酔いで振り返る閉じ込められた話

【episode58 YouTube 文字起こしはこちら

episode 59 Ear desserts with Evan  Evanと秋の甘いお話

episode 60 My comfy couch & Squid game 鯨のソファとイカゲーム

【episode 60 YouTube 文字起こしはこちら

episode 61 IKEA, Costco, エアメール

【episode 61 YouTube 文字起こしはこちら

episode 62 Wild Medaka hunting! 天然メダカ探しへGo!

【episode 62 YouTube 文字起こしはこちら

episode 63 How to get motivated, and stay motivated. モチベーションとの向き合い方

【episode 63 YouTube 文字起こしはこちら

episode 64 Warm & Fuzzy Weekend. ほっこりな週末

【episode 64 YouTube 文字起こしはこちら

episode 65 Talking with Evan about Labor Day & Bra 勤労感謝の日とブラの話

【episode 65 YouTube 文字起こしはこちら

episode 66 Talking with Chris about food in Japan クリスと食べ物の話

【episode 66 YouTube 文字起こしはこちら

episode 67 Me then, me now. 今の自分、あの時の自分

【episode 67 YouTube 文字起こしはこちら

episode 68 Crabs & Lobsters feel pain? 海老やカニが感じる苦痛

【episode 68 YouTube 文字起こしはこちら

episode 69 Year-End Special Episode with my dear friends. 年末スペシャルエピソードPart1

【episode 69 YouTube 文字起こしはこちら

episode 70 Year-End Special Episode with my dear friends. 年末スペシャルエピソードPart2

【episode 70 YouTube 文字起こしはこちら

episode 71 Happy New Year 2022!! 新年初エピソードはひたすらまったりと

【episode 71  YouTube 文字起こしはこちら

episode 72 Feeling restless?  Here’s Melon bun 心のざわつきとメロンパン

【episode 72  YouTube 文字起こしはこちら

episode 73 Talking with Rina 生徒さんと対談

【episode 73  YouTube 文字起こしはこちら

episode 74 Chocolate & Dumplings チョコと餃子のお話

episode 75 Workshop & Birthday week 念願のワークショップ開催と誕生日

episode 76 Crossroads in Life 出会いが作る分岐点

episode 77 Chilling on the couch. ソファでまったり独り言

episode 78 Sakura & 20K followers ツイッターフォロワー様2万人突破!温かい応援に感謝

episode 79 Talking with Yukiho 生徒さんと対談

【episode 79  YouTube 文字起こしはこちら

episode 80 Talking with Yoko 英語・日本語講師のヨーコさんと「教えること」について対談

episode 81 Talking with Chris 英語ネィティブと対談

episode 82 Mon-kun&Rika have a big favor! 緊急企画!YouTube存続危機でモン君懇願の巻

episode 83 Shrinkflation 縮む者たち

episode 84 Tipsy Ver. ほろ酔い番外編

episode 85 I suck at giving gifts. 贈り物上手になりたい

episode 86 Let’s talk about animals 動物はお好き?

episode 87 It’s going to be A-OK. 

episode 88 Q&A 皆様からのご質問に答えてみた

episode 89 Everything works in Japan

episode 90 Another tipsy Ver. Life updates and stuff

episode 91 Top Gun Maverick Review 

episode 92 Taking it easy & my favorite YouTube channels

episode 93 Books I read, and smell I like 

episode 94 Rusty Eiffel Tower 

episode 95 My Tweet went viral – Big time!  

episode 96 I got my dream chair! 夢のオフィスチェア

episode 97 Bottomless bowl of Udon & the autumn breeze 減らないうどんと秋の風

episode 98 Good vibes on Space and stuff. 

episode 99 Getting prepared for the massive typhoon. 大型台風に備えながら

episode 100 Talking with Evan Part 1 typhoon & reverse culture shock

episode 101 Talking with Evan Part 2  how to show appreciation

episode 102 #teamRika zoom party 

episode 103 Answering all your questions 

episode 104 Japanese counters can be tricky.

episode 105 Twitter changed my life & tipsiest Rika ever

episode 106 Our new project on YouTube

episode 107 What kept me up last night & the movie I saw today.

episode 108 My podcast is heard in 46 countries!

episode 109 Let’s hit the road!

episode 110 Christmas, snow & pig’s feet 

episode 111 Have you seen the movie SLAM DUNK?

episode 112 Looking back on the year 2022

episode 113 Happy New Year!  Tipsy Ver. 

episode 114 Viva! Saizeriya & Slam Dunk

episode 115 This is the way to improve your English 

episode 116 Unsettling week 

episode 117 Moving in, moving out 

episode 118 ChatGPTと英語学習

episode 119 Tipsy Ver. 最近のあれこれ

episode 120 通訳のお仕事で感じたこと

episode 121 How to improve your fluency

episode 122 A big announcement! 大切なお知らせ

episode 123 Been a tough week, but I did it! 

episode 124 Sleepless afternoon & a bonus episode 

episode 125 Rainy Monday 

episode 126 Expect nothing, appreciate everything + bonus episode

episode 127 The power of listening: unlocking your English speaking potential 


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